23 Sep New article on my work in Tufts Now
Here is Taylor McNeil's article on my work in Tufts Now magazine. Rethinking the Social Sciences In a new book, philosopher Brian Epstein challenges the field’s basic assumptions ...
Here is Taylor McNeil's article on my work in Tufts Now magazine. Rethinking the Social Sciences In a new book, philosopher Brian Epstein challenges the field’s basic assumptions ...
http://youtu.be/FLbEKpL-5Z0 Read more at the TEDx Stanford site...
As promised, here's the piece for The Stone column in The New York Times! Click here to read it. ...
The Ant Trap is already available in electronic versions (Kindle and Nook)! Here are the links. Amazon Kindle B&N nook It will be coming out in hardcover in April. Looks as though they're pricing it around $35. Preorder Amazon hardcover ...
Some exciting news! I have a piece coming out tomorrow morning (if no breaking news gets in the way) in the New York Times, in the Stone column. The Times is putting a VERY provocative headline on it -- but keep reading!! It's on the...
Here is the typeset version of the intro and table of contents: Epstein - The Ant Trap - Intro and TOC proofs ...
The signed contract for my new book just arrived in the mail! Here is a draft of the introduction. Comments welcome! The Ant Trap - Intro draft Nov 2013...
Upcoming classes for Fall 2013 are: Philosophy of Social Science, which is an undergrad and graduate class. Using a couple of new texts this term — the new anthology edited by Daniel Steel and Francesco Guala, and the new edition of Alex Rosenberg’s introduction. And the graduate writing...
Here is a new draft of a paper on shared intentions. Most theorists analyze a group’s shared intention in terms of coordinated individual intentions of the group. And even those who disagree assume that the intention of a group is exhaustively determined by the attitudes...
Two new classes for the fall: Phil 103, Logic: This is an undergrad/grad-level class on propositional and predicate logic, translation, and so on. Phil 134, Philosophy of Social Science: This term the class will focus on social ontology, i.e., the nature of the social world. There will be some...